Have you ever noticed, the older people get, the more they talk about their health issues?
And not just their high blood pressure or their aches and pains. Personal, embarrassing issues like flatulence. My Aunt Lizzie used to go around tooting and belching and then remark on how loud and stinky it was. If anyone complained or said anything about it to her, she would simply say, "You can't hold what you can't get your hands on!"
The older I get, the more I'm afraid I'm becoming that aunt who can't stop talking about her bodily functions. The last conversation I had with my sister was all about our aches and pains, our stomach issues and toileting habits, and the types and amounts of medication we are both on. I realized after we hung up that we had, indeed, become exact copies of our ancestors - fixated on our health issues.
I don't want to spend the rest of my life comparing my health and illnesses with everyone else my age and grossing out the kids, who will begin to avoid me like the plague if I keep it up. I remember staying away from the older crowd because I was tired of hearing about how many surgeries they'd had or details about their bowel movements. I don't want to be that person.
The solution is simple: start thinking, eating, and living healthy. Instead of complaining about my current twinges and shakes and how many times I fall on my face, I'm going to look for the positive things in my life, no matter how deep I have to dig for them.
Honestly, I have a lot of wonderful people in my life and fantastic experiences to share. If I concentrate on those things, I won't have time to dwell on the negative. As I talk to others about their trials and how they have dealt with them...how they persevered despite the adversity...my problems seem so much smaller, so insignificant. They almost disappear.
So, from now on, no more discussions of my lab results, my heart palpitations, or my hammertoe. Nothing but positive from here on out!