What do you know about May Day?

Do you know when and where it started? Was it a popular thing when you were young? What did the holiday celebrate, and what were some of the traditions carried on that day?
Some people say May Day didn’t “catch on” in the United States, but the ceremonies and rituals for that our family, neighbors, and friends continued were passed down to us from our ancestors, who learned the celebration from the immigrants that carried them across the ocean.
Where did this tradition begin, and how has it changed over the years? That’s what I want you to find out. The country in which May Day began is the answer I’m looking for for this contest. What you know about your ancestors’ current or past celebrations would be a bonus. And if you know nothing about May Day, now is your chance to learn.
The prize for this trivia contest is a LARGE basket of flowers and treats: candy, bread, cookies, cheeses,…who knows what I might add to it.
There will be one prize this time, so everyone is competing for the same thing. The contest begins today and ends on April 26, 2022. Send your answers to me here in a private message or email me at chblac6211@gmail.com. Good luck!!